Matching Sets

Matching sets how to wear them – why we love them and why they aren’t going anywhere.

Everywhere you look in fashion at the moment, both on and off-screen, gorgeous matching sets will be found. Linen, silk and cotton coordinating sets are a real fashion trend at the moment, but their flexibility, comfort level and effortlessness mean they will transcend fads for years to come. While this is not new in fashion history (hello Chanel tweed suits) we explore what the style means in 2024 and beyond and how to wear a matching set for any occasion.

What are matching sets?

Matching sets are relatively self-explanatory- they consist of two items of clothing that are constructed from the same fabric, colour or print. They could be a matching set of top and skirt, top and pants or shorts or jacket and pants/ skirt/ shorts. They are all about streamlining your wardrobe and your routine in the morning and looking chic while you’re at it! We’re big fans of the coordinating set for the above reasons and more, particularly the ability of an outfit to appear considered and complete with little effort. And that, dear reader, is an ultimate life goal!

How to wear a matching set for a formal occasion

We are firm believers in there being no strict rules in fashion beyond wearing what makes you feel confident and happy. When it comes to wearing a coordinating set, this also applies. Find a pattern, colour or style that suits your personality and that you will feel fantastic wearing. A formal matching outfit might be worn to an event, to work or just an elevated everyday look. A matching set with pants or a skirt will likely feel more formal than that of shorts. A more tailored set will be perfect for the workplace too (even a blazer for the top half). Opt for sophisticated fabrics, like silk or satin, for example. Adding accessories and heels will also lift the outfit to formal-readiness.

How to wear a matching set for an informal occasion

Summer days, school drop off and holidays are where matching sets can really feel right at home. There are so many fabulous options in cotton and linen to help keep you cool while looking chic. Matching sets for travel is one of our holiday hacks. They work well as a set but can also be mixed and matched to form other outfits. Pair the top half of a set with jeans or denim shorts or the bottom half of the set with bikinis or a contrasting top. Sandals, sneakers and flats are a perfect accompaniment to informal coordinating sets to keep the vibe low-key. Embrace colour, pattern and breathable fabrics this summer!

How to accessorise

The addition (or lack of) accessories while wearing a matching set will complete the tone of the outfit, starting from the shoes and heading up! Heels or adorned flats will elevate the look while sandals, sneakers and thongs will bring it back down. Scarves, bags, jewellery and hats should reflect the occasion too. These pieces also help break the colour and pattern of matching material and add your personality to the outfit.

Layering is another consideration. While the top and bottom may be matching, layering in a contrasting material or colour gives you more options for extending the life and options of your coordinating set. This might be a camisole or tank under the top, a jacket or cardigan thrown in to create a different look. 

Some of our favourite matching sets

At House Warming we have a few coordinating sets on high rotation. Some of our favourites include the Nina’s Garden Print in pants and top for a cute, casual everyday look. We also love the Calypso cami and skirt for a special occasion or to stand out in the crowd. The Lipari shorts in olive zig-zag and matching Sardina blouse is our go-to matching set for summer and travel (and is so easy to separately style into other outfits!).

If you don’t have a matching set or two in your wardrobe, summer is the perfect season to invest in two pieces of clothing that you will reach for time and time again. Whether it be Summer day lunch, a picnic or a day at the beach, the coordinating set works for everyone. With some character added through the addition of accessories or layering, these pieces will be staples for years to come!

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